
Rome Sept 21 World Alzheimer’s Day, free preventive testing

Rome, Sept. 21: World Alzheimer’s Day, free preventive tests

On the occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day, Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016, a free premonition testing campaign is launched in Rome by the IGEA ONLUS Foundation and the University of Rome, in collaboration with the Associazione Alzheimer Roma ONLUS, which provides information and support to family members of sufferers.

The test can be booked by calling 3284395721 or by email [email protected]. The test provides an initial check of cognitive status and is able to detect in advance any deficits that could indicate a risk of falling into the disease in the coming years. If necessary, action can be taken to identify risk factors and slow down the course of the disease with the Train the Brain protocol, which has been successfully tested by Prof.

Lamberto Maffei Vice president of the Accademia dei Lincei, with the CNR Institutes of Clinical Physiology and Neuroscience and the University of Pisa. Protocol yielded significant cognitive improvements in 80 percent of patients who participated.

Preventive control is very important because Alzheimer’s disease begins silently 10 to 15 years before symptoms appear, over the years it destroys millions of neurons. It is therefore crucial to notice the condition before irreversible damage occurs.

Our brain is an organ like any other, over time it ages and can become diseased, it should be checked as we check other organs by going to the cardiologist, ophthalmologist, or orthopedist, and it should also be kept in exercise, as we do for muscles by going to the gym. With exercise, muscles stay toned and aging is slowed, the same goes for the brain. The Train the Brain protocol is also useful for healthy people who want to train their minds and slow down aging.

The test, useful for everyone, is particularly recommended for people over 55 years old.

Alzheimer’s is becoming a worldwide emergency due to an aging population. There are 46 million sufferers worldwide, more than 700,000 in Italy, cases are growing rapidly and the World Health Organization predicts a doubling within 20 years. The G8 Heads of State and Government meeting held in London recommended that all countries around the world find effective strategies to prevent and contain the course of dementia, urging the conduct of activities and research to anticipate the disease and identify those at risk before the neuronal make-up is compromised.